Give Help

There are several ways to help us in our mission to provide basic needs, resources and hope to our neighbors in need.


Donate Now

Financial gifts give us the best bang for our buck as we can purchase food from the RI Community Food Bank and other wholesalers. Financial gifts ensure we can purchase fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and proteins not otherwise available through donations. Every gift has an impact, no matter how big or small.


Suggested Food Donation List

We accept non-perishable food donations at our facility at 22 Kersey Road in Peace Dale. Simply pull up to the porch and drop your donations in the bin. If you are organizing a food drive, please contact us to coordinate the drop-off.


Donate to our Holiday Fund

The Center provides gifts to hundreds of children and seniors each holiday season. We welcome gift cards, toys, winter clothing, and other items that will bring joy to local residents.


Volunteer application (coming soon)

Volunteers serve our food pantry visitors, deliver groceries to homebound households, prepare tax returns, and tutor students. We cannot accommodate groups or youth at this time. Please see below for additional off-site opportunities.


Coming Soon

Renovations are underway at the future Jonnycake Youth Center and we hope to officially open this Fall!


Learn more.

Click the link to learn more about how to get involved in helping our neighbors in need off-site as space inside our facility is limited.

Please note that we are no longer able to accept individuals who need to complete court-ordered community service.