Our New Home is Open
Thank you to our amazing donors! We did it!
Navigating our New Home
Our new home will house our food pantry, member services team, and administrative offices.
Our thrift store and donation center will remain at 1231 Kingstown Road in the Peace Dale rotary.
Food donations can be made by pulling up to our front door and leaving the items in the bins on the porch. For information on desired food donations, click here.
We will also accept donations of children’s books and cookware (pots and pans in good shape) at our new home. These can be left in the donation bins on the porch.
We will offer a host of new programs and initiatives in the coming year. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram to learn more.
Thank you
Champlin Foundation
Centreville Bank Charitable Foundation
Gregory and Claire Wilcox Family Foundation
The Marchand Family
Linda D. Tucker and Richard C. Hodgson
H. Winfield and Phyllis Tucker Family Foundation
Westerly Community Credit Union
Karen and Rich Black
Gina Catalano
Lou Giancola and Pam High
Dawson and Megan Hodgson
Eve T. Keenan and Thomas Keenan
Horace A. & S. Ella Kimball Foundation
Dan Levinson
Tom and Cathy Ryan
Alix and Tom Moffatt
Navigant Credit Union
Donna and Stephen Antaya
Brenda and Raymond (Chip) Bolster
Mark and Donna Ross
Claudia and Peter Swain
Janet Innis
Suzanne and Terry Murray
Christ the King Church
Jane A. Hayward
Ann M. Holmes
Kenneth F. Indof
Michelle and Chris Little
Washington Trust
Jim and Laurie Taricani
From disconnected to services under one roof.
In our new home social services staff are co-located with the food pantry, allowing for regular interactions and timely assistance with hundreds of visitors each month. Our goal is to prevent manageable problems from becoming overwhelming obstacles.
From a cramped pantry to functional, smarter shopping.
Today we serve 50 times as many meals as we did when we purchased our previous main building in 1979. The new Jonnycake Market has ample room to safely store food and capacity to serve many more shoppers simultaneously.
Space that supports programs.
Our former facility lacked a kitchen to support our popular cooking classes, the offices lack privacy, and there was no space for community gatherings or partnerships. A new demonstration kitchen and community room now provide space for expanding programs and initiatives, as well as workshops and group gatherings.
From inaccessible to accessible for all.
Visitors had to enter our previous building through a dangerous driveway and climb a steep set of stairs to access our social services, free tax assistance, and more. The new building is safe and easy to navigate. It has a ramp and an elevator so visitors have access to all activities.